Meaning of 'Universal Student Act (USA)' ?
This blog post will include the meanings of the words in the 'Universal Student Act', title. (01) Universal adjective adjective: universal 1.relating to or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases. "universal adult suffrage" synonyms: general, ubiquitous, comprehensive, common, omnipresent, all-embracing, all-inclusive, all-round, across the board; More antonyms: particular, restricted, local LOGIC denoting a proposition in which something is asserted of all of a class. LINGUISTICS denoting or relating to a grammatical rule, set of rules, or other linguistic feature that is found in all languages. (of a tool or machine) adjustable to or appropriate for all requirements. noun noun: universal; plural noun: universals 1.a thing having universal effect, currency, or application, in particular: LOGIC a universal proposition. PHILOSOPHY a term or concept of general application....
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